
Popular Ghost in the World Part #1

Ghost is a supernatural being believed by people who live. Many of the names and kinds of ghosts. Some people believe that he had seen a ghost.

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There are 13 kinds of the most famous ghost in the country of Indonesia

  • Pocong

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It's one of the rather famous ghosts in Indonesia, this ghost can exist anywhere, could be in the grave, banana trees, durian orchard, hospitals, and in many other places. The myth of Pocong in Indonesia, pocong the spirits of dead people who are not removed shroud rope when buried. In a horror movie pocong usually manifest themselves by jumping up and down, whereas according to the actual myth pocong can fly to manifest themselves.

  • Kuntilanak
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Next ghost is kuntilanak. This ghost is sometimes manifest themselves as beautiful women, but its form is actually very scary. The myth, kuntilanak materialize because he still has a grudge and he will repay evil person who had hurt him a life time. The food is a baby, but she also likes to suck blood.

  • Sundel Bolong
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Being a ghost is the same like kuntilanak, long hair, dressed in white overalls, too. It's just what the name says it sundel bolong (bolong = hole), she has a hole on the back exactly on her back. These ghosts exist due to death in pregnant or have children in the grave.

  • Wewe Gombel
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Ghost is almost equal to kuntilanak and sundel bolong, it's just a ghost that is far more sinister than the above two ghosts. When viewed from the physical appearance has Wewe Gombel busty breast. Wewe gombel usually kidnap a child, but he did not injure the child. Children who are abducted children who are neglected or not addressed with their parents. So wewe gombel just wants her parents noticed their children.

  • Tuyul
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Tuyul is like a ghost in the form of a dwarf, but he was bald and bare-chested.
tuyul exploited by malicious people to steal money and duty to his employer.

  • Jelangkung
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This ghost is a ghost who called someone, he will answer what is asked by the caller. But if he had come, he will return in accordance with their desire. This is the mantra which is believed to call spirits Jelangkung:
"Jelangkung Jelangkung, disini ada pesta kecil-kecilan datang tak dijemput pulang tak diantar"
"Jelangkung Jelangkung, here there is little party was picked up coming back not delivered"

  • Genderuwo
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Genderuwo ghost jin is still included in the descent, shaped like a big gorilla, his body is also full of thick hair.
This well-known spooky creatures and normally on daerah2 forests, mountains, valleys.

  • Leak
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According to myth in Bali, this leak means a wicked witch, "Le" mean witch "Ak" means evil. Evenings are usually leak in the grave for human organs. This leak can turn into a tiger, lion, etc..

  • Rangda
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Rangda is also still myths of Bali, Rangda is the queen of that daunting leak. According to the legend of Rangda is consuming a small child a boy or a boy child, because this is a woman Rangda. Rangda means widows who have long nails, irregular teeth out, and long curly hair.

  • Kuyang
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This Kuyang stealth legend of borneo, actually not a ghost but a man who has the magic. His form is a human head with a menggangutung organs without skin. She likes to eat a baby boy. Kuyang This is a woman who wants to get kencantikan.

  • Palasik
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This legend of the phantom Palasik minangkabau, palasik was a man who had black magic. He is equally Rangda and kuyang, like to eat baby boy either already dead or alive.

  • Parakang
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Differ slightly with palasik, parakang is typical stealth makassar. Moitosnya kuyang and palasik, but is not particularly lust parakang baby boy. She likes anal ama sick. Parakang weirdness that makes him different is almost dead. When he was nearly dead parakang always mention the word "Lemba" over and over again, which means "move", he can not die until a family member who agrees. According to legend in makassar parakang is punishment for their fathers who abuse their black magic.

  • Poppo '
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Poppo 'does not eat the anus, in love with the stomach contents but she did not eat, he just save for a collection. According to the story, poppo 'will manifest themselves as beautiful women naked.

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